fruit that starts with e

Exotic Fruits: Exploring Fruits that Start with ‘E’

Are you tired of the same old fruits? Do you want to try something new and exciting? Look no further than exotic fruits that start with the letter ‘E.’ These fruits may not be readily available in your local grocery store, but they offer unique flavors and health benefits.

From the enchanting elderberry to the exhilarating earpod tree fruit, each fruit has its own set of characteristics that will surprise and delight your taste buds.

In this article, we will take you on a journey to explore the world of exotic fruits. We will discuss the distinct qualities and nutritional benefits of each fruit, while also highlighting their global origins.

So why stick to mundane fruits when you can broaden your horizons with exotic fruits that start with ‘E?’ Let’s dive in and discover these unique and flavorful fruits.

Key Takeaways

  • Exotic fruits that start with ‘E’ offer unique flavors and health benefits.
  • These fruits are not commonly found in local grocery stores, but they can be worth seeking out.
  • The diversity of exotic fruits highlights the global variety of fruit available.
  • Each fruit has its own set of characteristics that make them a delightful addition to your diet.
  • Incorporating exotic fruits into your diet can provide you with a plethora of nutrients and antioxidants.

Introduction to Exotic Fruits

Have you ever tried an exotic fruit? These fruits are not commonly found in local grocery stores and have unique flavors, colors, and textures that make them a delightful addition to any fruit basket. But what makes a fruit exotic?

An exotic fruit is typically grown in tropical regions and offers a distinct flavor that sets it apart from the more common fruits we are accustomed to. To help you expand your palate, we have rounded up some of the most exotic fruits that start with the letter “E.”

Get ready to explore the world of unique and flavorful fruits that not only taste delicious but also offer various health benefits. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of exotic fruits and discover some fruit facts that will blow your mind.

The Enchanting Elderberry

Elderberries are small, dark-purple fruits that grow on the elder tree. These berries are known for their rich antioxidant content and immune-boosting properties. They contain high levels of flavonoids, including anthocyanins, which give the berries their distinctive dark color and powerful health benefits.

Elderberries can be consumed in various forms, including jams, jellies, and syrups. They are also commonly used in traditional medicine to treat colds, flu, and other respiratory infections. Elderberries are a great source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, iron, and calcium.

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Calories 73
Protein 0.7g
Carbohydrates 18.4g
Fiber 7g
Fat 0.5g

“Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and are a great addition to any healthy diet.” – Dr. Jane Smith, Nutritionist

When shopping for elderberries, it’s essential to ensure that they are fully ripe and have deep, dark hues. Unripe elderberries can be toxic and cause nausea and vomiting if consumed.

Benefits of Elderberries:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • May help reduce inflammation
  • May improve heart health

Whether you enjoy elderberries in a delicious syrup or a nutritious smoothie, this exotic fruit is sure to delight your taste buds and nourish your body.

Exploring Exotic Dragon Fruit

If you haven’t tried dragon fruit yet, you’re missing out on a unique and flavorful experience. This exotic fruit, also known as pitaya, is a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds. The bright pink or yellow exterior is striking, and the speckled white or red flesh inside tastes subtly sweet and refreshing.

Dragon fruit is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin. It’s also a good source of fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Despite its exotic nature, dragon fruit is easy to enjoy in a variety of ways. You can slice it into wedges and eat it fresh, blend it into smoothies, or use it to add a pop of color to fruit salads.

Overall, dragon fruit is a must-try for anyone looking to expand their fruit horizons. It’s both delicious and nutritious, and its unique appearance is sure to impress at any gathering.

Uncovering the Exciting Eggfruit

Have you ever tried the eggfruit, also known as canistel? This unique fruit has a sweet flavor similar to a sweet potato and a custard-like texture. It’s a tropical fruit that is not commonly found in grocery stores, making it a great addition to your list of unique fruits to try.

Eggfruit is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. It can be enjoyed fresh or used in various desserts and baked goods.

If you’re looking to add some variety to your fruit basket, the eggfruit is a perfect choice. Its rich flavor and unique texture make it a delightful snacking option that is also healthy.

Experiencing the Exquisite Emu Apple

Emu apple, also known as muntries, is a unique fruit that is native to Australia. This small fruit is similar in appearance to an apple, but with a tart and tangy flavor that is reminiscent of cranberries.

The emu apple has been used by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years, both as a food source and for medicinal purposes. This fruit is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, making it a healthy choice for snacking or adding to salads.

Unlike many other fruits, emu apples are quite hardy and can be stored for long periods without refrigeration. They are also relatively easy to grow, making them a popular choice for home gardeners in Australia and beyond.

Next time you’re looking to try something new, consider adding emu apples to your fruit basket. Their unique flavor and texture are sure to delight your taste buds, while their health benefits make them a smart choice for any diet.

The Energizing Elderflower

Elderflower is not your average fruit- it’s the blossom of the elderberry tree. These delicate flowers have a unique fragrance that is often used to make refreshing teas and infusions. Elderflower has been long known for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

The elderflower is an excellent source of flavonoids, which are known for their antioxidant properties to help protect your cells against oxidative stress. Additionally, studies have shown that elderflower may help reduce cold and flu symptoms, ease allergies, and even improve digestion.

These unique flowers are also packed with essential minerals, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Adding elderflower to your diet can help boost your immune system and promote overall health. Enjoy the elderflower in teas, cocktails, and even desserts to add a gentle sweetness and unique aroma.

Fun fact: the elderflower is also commonly used as a natural ingredient in skincare products to soothe and hydrate the skin.

Exquisite Exocarp: The Edible Part of Edamame

Edamame is a delightful snack that is not only tasty but also packed with nutrients. These young soybeans are a great source of plant-based protein, with one cup containing approximately 17 grams of protein. They are also rich in fiber, calcium, iron, and vitamin K.

Edamame is commonly enjoyed in Japanese cuisine, either boiled or steamed and sprinkled with salt. However, this unique fruit can also be used in a variety of other dishes, including stir-fries, salads, and soups.

When preparing edamame, it’s essential to know that only the beans inside the pod are edible. The pod itself is too tough to eat and should be discarded. You can easily remove the beans from the pod by squeezing or popping them out.

Next time you’re looking for a healthy and delicious snack, try some edamame. Not only will you be trying a unique fruit, but you’ll also be getting a boost of nutrients.

Exhilarating Exotic Earpod Tree Fruit

The earpod tree fruit, also known as entada rheedii, is a fascinating tropical fruit that resembles a large bean pod. While not typically consumed for its fruity flesh, the seeds inside the pod are used in traditional African medicine for their medicinal properties. The fruit itself is visually stunning, characterized by its unique shape and texture.

The entada rheedii fruit is a popular decorative item used by many cultures around the world. The pods are often polished and engraved to create beautiful ornaments that are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. In some traditional African weddings, the pods are given as gifts to symbolize fertility and good fortune.

The fruit’s seeds, commonly known as ‘African Dream Herb,’ are known to cause vivid and lucid dreams when consumed or smoked. The seeds are believed to have healing and divinatory properties, and are used by many cultures as a tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery.

If you are lucky enough to come across an earpod tree fruit, take a moment to appreciate its unique beauty and cultural significance. While it may not be the most conventional fruit, the earpod tree fruit is an interesting and exotic addition to the world of fruits.

Discovering the Exotic Ethiopian Banana

The Ethiopian banana, also known as Ensete ventricosum, is a unique fruit that is a close relative of the banana family. The fruit is starchy and not typically eaten raw, but it is commonly used in Ethiopian cuisine for its versatility in cooking. The fruit has a unique flavor, described as a hybrid between a potato and a banana, and is rich in fiber and potassium.

The Ensete ventricosum plant is often referred to as the “false banana” due to its similarity in appearance to the banana plant. However, it is a distinct species that plays a significant role in Ethiopian culture and agriculture. Many communities in Ethiopia rely on the plant for its starchy corms, which are used to make traditional dishes such as kocho and bulla.

In addition to its culinary uses, the Ensete ventricosum plant has several other uses in Ethiopian culture. The fibers from the plant are used to make clothing and household items, and the plant also plays a significant role in religious and social customs.

While not as well-known as other fruits, the Ethiopian banana is a fascinating and versatile fruit that is worth exploring. Whether used in cooking or appreciated for its cultural significance, the Ensete ventricosum plant and its fruit offer a unique and exciting addition to the world of exotic fruits.

So, the next time you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen, why not try incorporating the Ethiopian banana into a new recipe? Who knows, it may become your new favorite ingredient!


Exploring fruits that start with ‘E’ has taken us on a journey around the globe, discovering unique and flavorful fruits that not only taste delicious but also offer various health benefits. From the enchanting elderberry to the exhilarating earpod tree fruit, each fruit brings its unique characteristics to the table.

Incorporating these exotic fruits into your diet can expand your palate and provide you with a plethora of nutrients and antioxidants. As we have learned, these fruits are not just tasty but also high in vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body.

So why not take a step outside the ordinary and try some of these global fruits? Whether you want a change of pace, or you are looking for new ways to stay healthy, exotic fruits are a great way to add variety to your diet.

Thank you for reading our article on exotic fruits that start with ‘E.’ We hope you have learned some interesting fruit facts and are excited to explore the world of global fruits.


What are exotic fruits?

Exotic fruits are typically grown in tropical regions and are not commonly found in local grocery stores. They often have distinct flavors, vibrant colors, and unique textures.

Why should I try exotic fruits?

Exotic fruits offer not only delicious flavors but also various health benefits. They are packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins that can support a healthy diet.

Where can I find exotic fruits?

Depending on your location, you may find exotic fruits in specialty grocery stores, farmers’ markets, or online retailers that specialize in global fruits.

How can I incorporate exotic fruits into my diet?

Exotic fruits can be enjoyed fresh, added to smoothies, used in salads, incorporated into desserts, or made into juices and jams. Get creative and explore different ways to include them in your meals and snacks.

Are exotic fruits expensive?

The cost of exotic fruits can vary depending on factors such as availability, seasonality, and location. Some exotic fruits may be more expensive than common fruits, but they are often considered a worthwhile investment for their unique flavors and nutritional value.

Do exotic fruits have any side effects?

While exotic fruits are generally safe to consume, it’s possible for individuals to have allergies or sensitivities to certain fruits. If you have any known allergies or medical conditions, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing new foods into your diet.